The importance of access control,/strong>

We all like to believe that our homes re impenetrable, however when we are slapped with the rude awakening that our houses are actually not that safe, we are shocked. It is only at this point that we consider access control and security systems. But how can we prevent this from happening again? Here are the top 3 accessed points in break-ins to help you beef up your security at the right points.

1.The Front Door
Believe it or not, the front door is up there on the list. One wouldn’t think intruders would have the guts to walk in through the front door of someone’s home, but they do. They can do this by finding the spare key under the doormat or the pot plant or even forcefully breaking the door down.
To prevent this; make sure that the front door’s lock is a durable one. Also essential is a heavy-duty strike plate which will prevent the door from being kicked in. Do not forget to lock the door. As simple as it seems, so many intruders access homes through unlocked doors.

2.First Floor Windows
Always, always keep windows locked when you leave your home. Particularly if these windows do not have steel bars and they are on the first floor. Windows are the second most commonly accessed points during break-ins. Talk to your locksmith about window access control solutions, and you might just find the right thing for your needs.

3.The Garage
If your home has an attached garage, it is more susceptible to burglary. Studies show that intruders break in through the garage 10% of the time. This is also because home owners with these kind of garages tend to leave the garage doors open for their convenience. To prevent this, ensure that your garage’s secondary door with a durable lock and trike plate. Inconvenient as it may be, just lock the garage door each time you leave your house. It will save you a lot of heartache.

Contact us today for affordable access control solution to beef up the security of your home.